Dear God I am Getting Old – Help!

Recently, during cocktails with friends, I was asked my age by someone I was introduced to. I know, the audacity, right? Anyhow, I stated “36….no!….37”. It was at that point I realized I was in denial about the whole aging process. I know I may still sound young to some, but it’s all relative. One thing I know for sure, I am at the point where it is all about preserve, preserve, preserve! One of the best ways to stay and feel young is from the inside out. You can see this practice all over the world from the beautiful French to the ageless Greeks. It comes from what we put into our bodies first and foremost and then how it is prepared. That’s why I decided to share with the world what different cultures view as foods to keep you looking and feeling young. Stay tuned for my first finding this Friday! Operation preservation to stay young commence!